Wednesday, October 25, 2017

PICC or George Weasley

I had my PICC line put in today. I was really nervous and said to the surgeon I've had 2 babies this should be a breeze. Her reply was I had chosen the babies and had no choice in this which makes a big difference. The surgical team were fab, kept me talking so I was amazed when she said it was all done! It's sore tonight like any cut/wound but at least it means no more canulas . Ju has ordered me some pretty covers - hospital just put a tubigrip over the dressing and they always look grim. No swimming due to infection risk and I have to wear a cover over it in the shower
More difficult to deal with is the change in diet - many staple foods like veg are simply no go and things like onion crop up in everything. It sucks but if I can avoid blockages and inflammation it's worth it. The paracetamol and buscopan can cause constipation so yesterday and today I tried to manage on half the dose but the pain won out so back to the full monty. It seems insane to have so much pain compared to three months ago but Delores is aggressive and has spread so I guess it makes sense
Calling the PICC line George as he had a fundamental part in Umbridges downfall

Next stop in the oncologist Friday and chemo nurses to prepare for the first session. Worked out that the Panitumab alone is over 2 grand a dose , it specialises in advanced colon cancer and metastases. I hate that I now know what ascites are , the omentum... It's all so scary and the more we discover the worse the outcome looks BUT as I said to the oncologist I am not average and we are determined to give the bitch a good kicking even if a cure is so unlikely we can shrink her and stop her growing

1 comment:

craftmad said...

You are definetly fighting Tracy and you have great spirit. You will have good days and bad days no doubt. Life is not plain sailing and yours is hitting a storm. You going to fight it and we are all here to keep you going. Lots of Love Anne and Colin