Monday, October 9, 2017


What a day  . No beds on ward so spent the day in the admissions lounge . No one knew what each other were doing but the upshot is eventually had an MRI and a chest X-ray , results not back yet. Had a chat with a registrar and feel a lot more informed about what the tests were for, what the possible plans are. Laparoscopy tomorrow afternoon then the big chat .


Good Mood Food said...

Sending my love darling. Be thinking on you tomorrow afternoon xxx

Unknown said...

Sending you positive thoughts and huge hugs. Sx

Unknown said...

Hope you manage some rest tonight Sweetpea - I’ll be thinking of you again tomorrow.
Much love xx

craftmad said...

Sending all positive vibes your way. Hope you can get some sleep. Thoughts been with you all day hugs. Lots of Love Anne & Colin