Friday, December 22, 2017

Chemo update

we saw the oncologist on Wednesday and although he is happy with my progress he wants to wait a bit  longer for my surgery wound to heal and for the stoma output to be thicker . So I see him on 5th Jan with the aim to start chemo again the following week .Doc felt the sickness before my op was mainly down to the blockage in my bowel than due to the chemo which is good news .
So for now we focus on the wound healing and having a wonderful Christmas
Merry Christmas and thanks again for all your love and support

Tracy and Chris xx

Sunday, December 3, 2017

The op, stoma and beyond

sorry it’s been so long since an update . On the 11th November I underwent emergency major surgery where they did a right hemicolectomy ,an end ileostomy and transverse colon mucus fistula. In short in 3 1/2 hours they took half of my large bowel out and fitted two stoma bags. It was all very rushed. I had been admitted to hospital as I was being so sick which we thought was due to the chemo . On the Thursday I was in a lot of pain and a CT scan showed a large bowel obstruction. At 1.30 -m Saturday the surgeon came over from the QMC and they said it was literally going to burst and they had to operate immediately . Woke up completely disorientated and completely out of it with pain relief . On Saturday 25th the wound started leaking after they had removed the staples closing it (30 stitches !) so now I have a district nurse coming every day to pack and dress the wound (ouch!)
Fast forward to Monday 27th and they let me come home . It’s been really hard getting used to the stoma as have had a few leaks , including in the night . From tomorrow I’ve got someone coming in to help me wash and dress - I can’t bend , plus I’m not allowed to lift more than a kettle as at risk of a hernia . It’s very frustrating not being able to do much but the focus for now is concentrating on the wound healing , all my insides healing and the Stoma’s settling down . Hopefully we can resume chemo in the new year . Very tired and I’ve learnt now that if I can’t keep my eyes open then my body needs sleep ! Thank you to our amazing friends who stepped right in and helped with the kids and came to keep me company , words can’t say just how much we appreciate it and how grateful we are

Trace xx