Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Ok , the story so far . I went for my smear test and it came back they had found highly abnormal cells that could be from the bowel or uterus . I was referred this gynae who took a biopsy and blood tests . They did a scan and they said they couldn't see anything unusual in the reproductive bits. So far so good .Until then I thought maybe they had muddled the slides up - I mean how did the cells get down there ? Walk ? When I asked the consultant he hummed and aahed... and that's when I thought shit this can't be good . The following day I was seeing the GP anyway and he did the same , with the sympathetic look and to be honest then I knew the bullet was coming - just not when . So we went on holiday and tried to not worry about the results due the following week .
The bowel clinic rang offering an appointment on Tuesday the 29th. Didn't expect to be more than a chat so Chris stayed home with the kids. I was kind of looking for any clues and when a nurse walked into my consultants room I guessed it wasn't good. It wasn't . I have bowel cancer which hasalready spread to my uterus . So the next step is CT scans to see how big , where etc . Rather than worry the kids with the word cancer we decided Mummy's got a poorly tummy, and I named the tumour Dolores after the thoroughly nasty Umbridge from the Harry Potter books
On Friday the 1st I had an thorax CT scan to see if Dolores has also worked her way up to my liver and lungs . Not had results yet. This Friday I have a bowel scan to see exactly what's there. In preparation for this I've got to have some stuff to clear bowels out so tomorrow and Wednesday will be spent on the lav
No one knows any more than this right now, as I know I will update the blog . Hugs are very appreciated but unless me or Chris brings it up please don't ask. Dolores is taking a huge mental toll on us and we are trying to keep going . We  very much appreciate the offers of help and rest assured we will ask for help with school runs etc as we need it . The focus right now is keeping everything as normal for the kids as we can. I'm starting my TA course on the 15th and I'm really excited


Trace x


Jack's mummy said...

Sending huge hugs and now respecting your wishes of keeping schum. You know where I am if you need me even if it's just for an actual hug rather than a virtual one. Xx

Unknown said...

We can get through this, and I am always here x

Unknown said...

Wow. I really had no idea that you'd been going through this hell. Big hugs. xxx

Unknown said...

Such terrible news Tracy but you and your family are so strong you can get through this. Sending you positive vibes and let me know if there is anything we can do x