Saturday, September 9, 2017

I can't sleep aka it's all about poo

Ugh can't sleep. The problem with hospitals is PEOPLE ARE SICK. And on a colorectal ward that means the butt end . My room is next to the toilet so you can imagine the rest 💩💩💩💩💩💩
After my CT scan on Friday I got stabbing pains - and if I tell you we are talking labour contractions ( and I have a high pain threshold ) then you know what I mean . Call to 111 and they said we will send an ambulance .Unfortunately every pisshead in nottingham was unconscious  or bleeding so they got priority so 4 hours later ar 1am they turn up.At this point I cannot move but we get me in the ambulance and off to a and e. Thankfully chris had the presence of mind to pack a bag so my headphones went on because it's not the quietest of places
Much prodding ensues and some lovely drugs help. The thought is the gas they pump through the bowel in the scan  got stuck , can't see on X-ray and they want  to confirm no blockage so need me to eat,not be sick and do a 💩. By teatime Saturday the pain had gone and hurrah I finally went . They moved me from assessment ward to this one . They want to do another detailed scan as that naughty Delores had made herself quite at home and spread herself around a bit . At the moment its not looking brill , but as Chris  said we are still thinking positive and that of the numbers of people who do get  they those extra 1,2,5 years there is no reason I can't be me
Naturally we are devastated , a few weeks ago we knew Dolores  was here and by the way she was detected she had spread but until yesterday we didn't know how much . Our families friends are right up there stepping into the breach giving lifts , childcare and much needed love and support . If recovery was based on love there would be no doubt at all
So I sat here in this crap room after 4 hours sleep and I'm wide awake . Scared the nurse walking around 😂 She's made me a nice cuppa
Started reading the news , always stupid idea and if Im honest everything in the world doesn't matter anymore. It's all about me, but mostly my family . I'm sharing this as there is no running , no going away and I'm afraid I can't protect you all . We need you all behind us and so you need to know . Dont worry about texting , if I don't reply straight away I am probably stabbing Delores the Voodoo doll , or I don't know what to say . But every hug and thought goes straight to give Dolores a kick . You know when Tinkerbell dies in Peter Pan and everyone has to get her back by clapping and saying " I believe in fairies "? Every time you guys send me a hug or thought that's a kick to Dolores .
I guess  I'm saying bear with me , will keep the blog updated and please dont feel bad and you can text me,
And if you are anywhere near the ward today please bring running shoes and a rope and get me out of here !!!!!


Shelley said...

Stick a massive pin in dolores for us. Me and Any are her for whatever you need. Big love and hugs to all.Shelley x x

Unknown said...

Don't know what to say other than we're here. We want to help as much as you and Chris would like us to. Seriously, anything at all that makes the burden any lighter and we're there. Lots of love and hugs and prayers heading your way. Tell Delores to do one. Xx

Jack's mummy said...

Add me to the list of folks that are happy to help xx

craftmad said...

Got a doll here and I stick my pins in Doleros for you. I know I stay far away but with you all the road sending hugs hope you home with kids asp